By Rokkit
By Rokkit
CMH Mazda Randburg would like to congratulate Byron Lobley our new car sales manager who was awarded the Mazda Brand Ambassador for CMH Mazda Randburg. Byron has been with the company since January 2013. He first started as a sales person and got promoted to a new car sales manager in October 2014. His enthusiasm, passion and dedication earned him this marvelous opportunity of being a Mazda Brand Ambassador. Through this opportunity Byron received a Jinbai-Ittai brand experience certificate, both our dealership and our customers will benefit from this because they will be made aware of how important the Jinbai-Ittai experience is to the driver. The Jinba-Ittai philosophy fall deep within ancient Japanese culture and now Mazda is incorporating this into their vehicles.
For more brand knowledge feel free to contact our Brand Ambassador Byron Lobley on 0877239431 or visit our dealership at cnr Hill Street & West Avenue, Ferndale. Randburg.
The 2018 CMH group annual awards ceremony recognizes outstanding performance and long service of its staff. CMH Mazda Randburg would like to congratulate one of it’s own Andries Radebe for receiving an award for long service. Andries has been with the CMH group for 15years and has seen the company grow from strength to strength.