How to Jump Start Your Mazda
CMH Mazda Hatfield would like to inform you to inform you on How To Jump Start Your Mazda as jump-starting is dangerous if done incorrectly. Please follow the procedure carefully, and if you are unsure, we recommend that you have one of our competent service technicians assist.

- Don’t allow the positive (+) terminal to make contact with any other metal object that could cause sparks.
- Keep all flames, including cigarettes, and sparks away from open battery cells.
- Connect the negative (-) lead to a good ground point away from the battery.
- Route the jumper leads away from moving engine parts.

To jumpstart your Mazda’s battery, you will need a set of jumper cables and another running vehicle to provide energy. Once you found those, the steps to jumpstart your Mazda battery are:
- Have the running vehicle park facing your Mazda, switch both the vehicles engines off and engage there parking brakes (handbrake).
- Open the bonnets/hoods and locate the batteries.
- Find the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.
- Connect the red jumper cable clamp to the positive (+) on the dead battery first.
- Connect the other red clamp to the positive terminal on the charged battery.
- Then, connect the black jumper cable clamp to the negative (-) on the charged battery.
- Finally, ground the last black clamp to an unpainted metal surface of the car.
- Start the engine of the vehicle with the charged battery; run the engine for a few minutes, then start the engine of your Mazda.
- Once your Mazda has been jumped, remove the jumper cables in reverse order: grounded clamp, black clamp, red clamps.
- Run your Mazda’s engine for at least 30 minutes to give the battery sufficient time to recharge.

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Tel: 0123668700
Email: Lead Master